The best
Gate way to supply all food and food related demands.
Foodna is the first food news agency in Iran
which its activity focused on giving information and since 2005 the major part
of it, is on information and media in food industry.
Mission & Vision
In nowadays era, needs of information is very desired ,so that,Food
na as an information centre had tried to reach the place to be applicable for
its readers as best.
On the other hand food industry has located to the platform to
feel the necessity of having independent media. According to the background and
precedent in food information ,Foodna as a reputed media in the mentioned
industry has launched Food News Agency in Iran,with the following addresses
However the most activity of this business is concentration on
collecting ,compiling ,processing and providing news but advertising and
promotion as well as holding event and exhibitions are another tasks which are
going on in this organization.
Foodna is a private limited media in Iran which can be the
communication bridge between the world community trade.
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